Top Badge - Danie

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You are a true and realistic person Danie, you are inspirational to others, and to me.
Why are you such a kind hearted soul to even those who do you wrong? If I may ask what religion are you?
I’m a Christian. I’ve been through some stuff in my life that I don’t want other people to go through. I’ve been paralyzed for 3 years at the age of 3. I’ve been bullied throughout my 12 years of school. Never really had a close relationship with my parents until 4 years ago. Been homeless for 6 months been through 2 very abusive marriages where I’ve almost been killed in both. Lost my loving mom on July 6th this year. I’ve always treated people with respect and kindness and helped many. Yet I get the short end of the stick in most cases. Still I continue to help others and still treat people with respect.
How long have you been streaming for? What did you do to achieve your Top Badge? Did you ever think you would be where you are today?
I’ve been streaming for almost 11 months. I just stayed positive and be myself with the help of the #Dolphin family and especially the help of three amazing individuals : Mikal, JSky and Edizz. They are my rock foundation. No I’ve never thought I would be where I’m today.
What are some of your goals in life? What have you accomplished that you are proud of?
My Goal is always to be successful in all I do with positivity. I’m proud of who I am, proud of my family and reunited with them. Being on this app. Proud of how many people I have touched with my attitude. We as a dolphin family did the unthinkable by placing in 2nd in the Wall of fame contest over a month ago. Which was huge for us and me. Thanks for everyone who helped and again a big thanks from my heart to my real amazing close to heart friends: Edizz, Jsky and Mikal, cause without them as the main contributors and support and dedication we made a name on the wall at headquarters. Thanks to Meet me for the amazing trip to headquarters. It was beyond special. A week later returning from headquarters I got my top badge. Thanks all.
Have you met anyone off of Meet Me? If so how was the experience to that?
Have you been to any Meet Me Sponsored events?
What was the experience like and what did you enjoy about it the most?
I’ve met 5 people. Amazing friends. Only been to Headquarters due to placing 2nd in the Wall of fame contest. It was a blast and the most amazing thing I enjoyed was meeting the Meet me staff and of course seeing my picture on the first Meet me wall of fame and be able to sign it with my signature, the #Dolphins and my mom.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years on the app? What about in real life?
I see myself hosting a show of inspiration and motivation. Also remain myself that everyone got to know since day one. In real live just continue to stay positive and be myself and hopefully find my better half.
Has being on Meet Me improved your over all life? If so how?
Yes it has. Came out of my comfort zone, on here and real life.
Is there any tips that you might have for any new streamers that might be struggling?
Just be urself, be patient, be humble be respectful to all and be positive at all time and don’t do drama.
Is there anything else I might have missed that you should add to the interview?
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You are a true and realistic person Danie, you are inspirational to others, and to me.
Why are you such a kind hearted soul to even those who do you wrong? If I may ask what religion are you?
I’m a Christian. I’ve been through some stuff in my life that I don’t want other people to go through. I’ve been paralyzed for 3 years at the age of 3. I’ve been bullied throughout my 12 years of school. Never really had a close relationship with my parents until 4 years ago. Been homeless for 6 months been through 2 very abusive marriages where I’ve almost been killed in both. Lost my loving mom on July 6th this year. I’ve always treated people with respect and kindness and helped many. Yet I get the short end of the stick in most cases. Still I continue to help others and still treat people with respect.
How long have you been streaming for? What did you do to achieve your Top Badge? Did you ever think you would be where you are today?
I’ve been streaming for almost 11 months. I just stayed positive and be myself with the help of the #Dolphin family and especially the help of three amazing individuals : Mikal, JSky and Edizz. They are my rock foundation. No I’ve never thought I would be where I’m today.
What are some of your goals in life? What have you accomplished that you are proud of?
My Goal is always to be successful in all I do with positivity. I’m proud of who I am, proud of my family and reunited with them. Being on this app. Proud of how many people I have touched with my attitude. We as a dolphin family did the unthinkable by placing in 2nd in the Wall of fame contest over a month ago. Which was huge for us and me. Thanks for everyone who helped and again a big thanks from my heart to my real amazing close to heart friends: Edizz, Jsky and Mikal, cause without them as the main contributors and support and dedication we made a name on the wall at headquarters. Thanks to Meet me for the amazing trip to headquarters. It was beyond special. A week later returning from headquarters I got my top badge. Thanks all.
Have you met anyone off of Meet Me? If so how was the experience to that?
Have you been to any Meet Me Sponsored events?
What was the experience like and what did you enjoy about it the most?
I’ve met 5 people. Amazing friends. Only been to Headquarters due to placing 2nd in the Wall of fame contest. It was a blast and the most amazing thing I enjoyed was meeting the Meet me staff and of course seeing my picture on the first Meet me wall of fame and be able to sign it with my signature, the #Dolphins and my mom.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years on the app? What about in real life?
I see myself hosting a show of inspiration and motivation. Also remain myself that everyone got to know since day one. In real live just continue to stay positive and be myself and hopefully find my better half.
Has being on Meet Me improved your over all life? If so how?
Yes it has. Came out of my comfort zone, on here and real life.
Is there any tips that you might have for any new streamers that might be struggling?
Just be urself, be patient, be humble be respectful to all and be positive at all time and don’t do drama.
Is there anything else I might have missed that you should add to the interview?
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